
Recap of the 2018 Education Legislative Session


Recap of the 2018 Legislative Session: New Laws that Affect Policy & Process for K-12 School Districts, Higher Education Institutions and County Offices of Education

The California legislature had a last minute “flurry” of bills that were sent to the Governor that affect K-12 School districts, colleges and universities, and County offices of education. There are significant expansions for employee rights and associated employer risks involving sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation lawsuits. We will highlight the expanded harassment prevention training mandates, explain new lactation accommodation requirements, address pre-employment interviewing and background check procedures, and highlight two new communication “privileges” (one shielding employers from defamation claims by accused harassers and the other a sexual assault counselor-victim privilege). In employment law, we also have important bills affecting workers’ compensation claim management and labor relations.

This webinar is customized for educators and their employers, and will focus heavily on the array of new and amended sections of the Education Code, including more requirements for paid parental leave (both certificated and classified), requirements for training and emergency procedures for athletic coaches and interscholastic programs, and a many bills affecting student rights that will impact administrators, certificated and classified employees.

Need More Info or Help?
We hope you can join us. Feel free to contact Doug McGill for more details.

Phone: 916-850-7300

Event Type


Meeting Date

  • Thursday, November 1, 2018
    9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Webinar Information

Webinar Link

Webinar Location:
EIA TV - EPL & Liability