
Workplace Violence Prevention: Requirements, Policies, and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (AB 61)


Presenter:  Patricia Eyres, Managing Partner at Eyres Law

Title:  Workplace Violence Prevention: Requirements, Policies, and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (AB 61)

Workplace security, violence prevention and incident response to threats or acts of violence remain a paramount issue for all employers. Public sector worksites in particular have unique concerns due to the need for accessibility to the public and services and programs in at risk settings. Concerns range from physical and verbal threats to cyberbullying and cyber stalking, that affect health departments, social services, school districts offices and school campuses.


On top of that, effective September 1, 2020, new legislation regarding gun violence restraining orders (AB 61) will give administrators, managers, teachers, and staff broad rights to seek a judicial restraining order against a co-worker or other person whom they believe is a danger to self or others due to mental illness and access to firearms. There are many legal and policy risks inherent in this new procedure, which compels public employers to immediately review and update their workplace security/violence prevention protocols. This webcast will bring you completely up to date on how to anticipate and prevent violence from internal and external sources, respond effectively to complaints, reports or incidents.  We will cover:

  • Types of workplace violence and how to anticipate and prevent incidents;
  • CAL OSHA and other regulatory requirements to detect and prevent foreseeable acts of violence;
  • Specific policies to identify and prevent external and internal threats from weapons – including gun violence restraining orders under AB 61 – without creating new liability exposures to employees or students for improperly seeking a restraining order;
  • Foreseeable legal risks when seeking a gun violence restraining order, including regarding individuals as mental unstable, or invading privacy by disclosing personal health information internally; 
  • School Safety Plans and how to update your Injury & Illness Prevention Programs on workplace security, including banning a range of weapons and lockdown procedures; 
  • Pros and Cons of Active Shooter drills and training, for adults and age appropriate for students in K-12 schools; 
  • How to prepare your workforce to respond during and in the aftermath of a “real” incident; 
  • How to partner with law enforcement in advance, during and after a workplace incident; 
  • Materials, resources and scenarios for violence prevention training at all levels.

Need More Info or Help?
We hope you can join us. Feel free to contact Doug McGill for more details.

Phone: 916-850-7300

Event Type


Meeting Date

  • Wednesday, March 18, 2020
    9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Webinar Information

Webinar Link

Webinar Location:
EIA TV - EPL & Liability