
Board of Directors Meeting USS Midway Museum Tour 2016

Prepare yourself for a lifetime memory aboard San Diego’s top attraction. You’ll explore a floating city at sea and relive nearly 50 years of world history aboard the longest-serving Navy aircraft carrier of the 20th century. Exhibits range from the crew’s sleeping quarters to a massive galley, engine room, the ship’s jail, officer’s country, post office, machine shops, and pilots’ ready rooms, as well as primary flight control and the bridge high in the island over the flight deck. Museum docents are eager to share a personal story, anecdote, or amazing statistic, adding to your amazement throughout your adventure.

Join fellow EIA members on a docent-led tour of the USS Midway Museum. After the tour, you may explore the ship on your own for a while, and we will then depart for a group lunch nearby. After registering for the tour, you will be contacted regarding payment options. Please meet in the hotel lobby at 9:00 a.m. to await pickup. After lunch, you will be transported back to the hotel by 3:00 p.m. Cost: $50.

This tour will be limited to the first 20 people to register.